The partnership that will change bicycle delivery!

The partnership that will change bicycle delivery!

Bikeshift & DOCKR make bike delivery sustainable and attractive

What do you get when Bikeshift and DOCKR work together and turn bike delivery on its head? The perfect formula for a more sustainable and efficient use of bicycle couriers. A small introduction for those who are not yet familiar with these big companies in the bicycle delivery business.

Bikeshift: recruitment platform for bicycle couriers

Bikeshift is the online platform for bike deliverers who want to get started as a bike courier without unnecessary worries. Instead of working as a self-employed person for a delivery service, they employ people so that bike couriers work with the right conditions. In their view, this is a good hourly wage, the accumulation of holidays and hours and insured working. All these terms of employment are not self-evident. Certainly not for freelance bicycle couriers. Thanks to this concept, countless cycle couriers are able to work carefree on the road.

DOCKR: a sustainable, electric company carrier bike and a flexibly deployable bike courier

DOCKR has a similar mission. By offering flexible all-in subscriptions for electric company bicycles, countless delivery services have sustainable, electric bathing bicycles at their disposal. All models come with flexible, monthly cancelable all-in leases that are feasible for every business operation. DOCKR offers preventive maintenance, breakdown assistance, insurance against damage and theft and fast replacement transport so that users’ business processes never have to come to a halt for long.